Givenchy'nin bu ayakkabisini cok begendim, sik ve seksi... Hamilelik boyunca topuklu ayakkabi giyemecegim icin 650$ lik bu ayakkabiyi almak yerine alternatifi olan H&M 'in dantelli modelini almayi dusunuyorum.
I really like this Givenchy's shoes,ı think they are stylish and sexy.But during my pregnancy,ı wont be able to wear high heels so ı'll buy H&M's similar one rather than Givenchy's.
I really like this Givenchy's shoes,ı think they are stylish and sexy.But during my pregnancy,ı wont be able to wear high heels so ı'll buy H&M's similar one rather than Givenchy's.


H & M

Gina Tricot'taki bu kolyeyi gordugumde bayilmistim ama daha sonra alirim diye almamistim, tabii ki 2 gun icinde bitecegini tahmin etmedim. Bazi trend urunler aninda bitiyor ve devamida gelmiyor ne yazik ki. Almis olsaydim, dantel H&M ayakkabilarimla cok guzel olacakti :((
When ı first saw this necklace in Gina Tricot,I really loved it but I decided to buy it later.Of course ı didn't know that ıt was gonna finish in 2 days.Some stylish things run out really fast.


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